Video | The Digs - Gunslinger

You know we love The Digs over here. A couple of weeks ago, they put out a video for one of my own personal favorites of their songs, “Gunslinger.” It’s all old westerns, as you might have guessed – gunfights, fistfights, barfights – but also some foxy babes doing shots or recreationally not wearing shirts. And one gorilla. So, you know, regular Wild West stuff.

If you feel like you don’t have enough of the above listed things in your life, although primarily I mean “songs played by The Digs” and doing shots, although I suppose possibly also barfights if you play your cards wrong, you’re in luck! The Digs have a show this coming Friday at O’Briens, standing up with their pals The Hideout for their record release. It’s at 8pm, so that’s plenty of time to get over your turkey coma.

If “Gunslinger” is now firmly ensconced in your head, as it should be, and the only thing that will soothe the beast is buying their album, good news! It’s only $5 through the end of the year. Pick up Manic here. Note: this will definitely not cure you of having a song stuck in your head.