Song of the Week | Sure Sure - Lie Lie Lie

Photo credit: Brittany O’Brien
This week’s WFMO X Music Savage Show “Song of the Week” spotlight shines brightly on the ridiculously awesome song “Lie Lie Lie” from Los Angeles quartet Sure Sure. It’s their first new music since the release of the band’s excellent, self-titled debut album on January 12th, 2018.
Sure Sure are Chris Beachy (keyboardist, singer), Charlie Glick (guitarist, singer), Kevin Farzad (drums, percussion) and Michael Coleman (producer/percussion/bass). They released their debut EP, Songs from 2014, in 2016 and quickly found an audience thanks to super catchy lyrics and immensely poppy hooks.
The new track, “Lie Lie Lie,” is a two and half minute slice of synth-y goodness that kicks right in with, “If I could read your mind/I bet I would be horrified/Wearing your disguise/Life’s better when nobody cries/Oh, lie lie lie/It’s just something you gotta do sometimes” and continues to make a case for those little white lies we tell to spare another’s feelings, or to simply make life easier until the truth finally presents itself.
You know the term earworm right? I am not going to lie lie lie to you…this is one helluva a sparkly earworm!
Sure Sure are heading out on tour in October and will be back in Boston Tuesday, October 23rd @ Brighton Music Hall. Word on the street is that these guys put on a great live show so this is one you are going to want to add to your calendar! Full dates and ticket information here.