Song of the Week | HEZEN – Bring Your Alibi

The new WFMO X Music Savage Show “Song of the Week” spotlight shines down on the UK and highlights the pulsing new single, “Bring Your Alibi,” from London-based musician and producer HEZEN. The new song is the first in a series of singles to be released throughout 2019, and if they are as fantastic as this then I will be quite pleased.
HEZEN released her intense debut EP, Stigma, in 2017 and has quickly gained fans and recognition with her ability to produce a sound that mixes early electronic and industrial influencers perfectly together with modern pop hooks and lightening strike tempo changes. I’ve listened to the song many times already and the break after the 1:44 mark where she sings “Did you think I’d let you get away with it?/Think again” is spot on perfect.
The best thing about this great track is that is a protest song. A protest against manipulative and cowardly men that have abused their perceived position of power for far too long. The narrative behind the well crafted rhythm is a stand against harassment inspired by the #MeToo campaign and paints a picture in sound of women who have had enough of your shit!