Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Nightwater Girlfriend
[M]issouri based Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin are embarking on their 4th studio record release, a particularly special release titled Fly By Night, one that found the band again the the attic where they made their debut record, Broom (note: a total pop gem). But before doing that they embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Yekaterinburg, Russia when the Boris Yeltsin Foundation extended an invitation to the band, meeting with Yeltsin’s friends, performing at an elementary school, and being named Cultural Ambassadors (for the day) by the US Consulate. The entire trip will be featured in a documentary titled “Discussions with Russians,” which you can preview here.
Now that the record has a release date (September 17th) they are releasing their first single “Nightwater Girlfriend,” the sunny, fuzzy guitar laden track that will warm your heart, and having you humming along faster than you can abbreviate the band’s name. Preorder Fly by Night, now.
We’re also extremely lucky to have these guys in town on Friday, at the Middle East, where I’m sure they’ll be delighting us with new tracks from Fly By Wire. Grab tickets for the show, and I’ll see you there.