Show Preview | The Digs' Last Show @ Middle East Upstairs

Show Preview | The Digs' Last Show @ Middle East Upstairs

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This is a sad post, because it’s about a really fun band calling it a day.

This is a happy post, because they’ve got one show left – tonight! – and it promises to be a good one.

The Digs have been doing pop-punk right for a couple years now, but they’re going to all start doing other things instead, so they’re throwing one last bash tonight at the Middle East Upstairs, along with Hey Zeus, Psychic Dog, and The Pickup. You’ll be able to grab their latest album, Kinetic, from whence hails this song, as well as their older stuff, and the word on the street is that they’re giving it all out free (well, by donation). They’ll also be recording tonight’s show for a “posthumous” live album, so I guess you could make all your dreams of fame come true by coming to the show tonight and cheering loud enough to make it onto the recording. Or just come to the show and buy me a beer! Only to have me turn you down on account of an advanced case of pregnancy, so you get to keep the beer yourself. Win-win.