New Music | Sam Means - I Will Follow


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There once was a band called the Format. For a time they were my favorite band… they introduced me to Harry Nilsson, & I guess Cat Stevens, too. At some point, I guess Sam wanted to go back to Phoenix & raise a family, so he did. And so Nate started Fun. with some guys they had toured with. And while Fun. has been out scoring Grammy noms & playing halftime shows, Sam has been quietly recording singles & scoring indie flicks. Then last year he released his first solo EP, NONA. It’s all songs about his daughter, & it’s pretty precious. He’s even got her silhouette on the bass drum on the cover art.

“I will follow into the deepest ocean / but you’ve gotta believe I’m afraid of the sea / but that’s all. / I will walk with you / up to the highest mountain / but it’s harder to see through the sky and the trees / And that’s all.”

The track is super Harry Nilsson influenced, & loads of Brian Wilson, too. And just like Harry Nilsson, he’s terrified to perform live. Apparently he’s only sung live once. I dunno where that comes from, he’s got a great voice. Check out the EP @ his bandcamp.