Rock & Roll Rumble 2016 | Weakened Friends

Rock & Roll Rumble 2016 | Weakened Friends

So, I was going to try to stick to one band per night of the Rumble – maybe my favorite for that night, or who I thought might win (not always the same, of course) – but then the schedule came out and shot my plans all to hell. On Night 1, along with The Digs, we’ll be seeing Weakened Friends, and I couldn’t fail to mention them. Do you ever get into a band and like them so much you get mad at yourself for not knowing about them earlier? That is what’s happening to me here. Weakened Friends sing about being the best, being the worst, winning, and losing, and they do it in such a way that it reminds me of the better parts of 90s indie rock while still sounding like right now. Really big into this. The song I’m sharing of theirs today, “Main Bitch,” had a couple of lines that made me straight up gasp, and what higher praise is there?

The first night of the Rumble, when you can see Weakened Friends, is April 3 at ONCE Somerville – I’ll be there and you should be too.

Rock & Roll Rumble website / Facebook
Weakened Friends website / Facebook / Twitter