Rock & Roll Rumble 2016 | The Digs

Rock & Roll Rumble 2016 | The Digs

It’s that time of year again, friends – the annual Rock & Roll Rumble, Boston music institution, is about to get started and guess who, specifically, is getting it started? Our buddies The Digs are very literally kicking the thing off; they are playing in the first slot of the first show, April 3rd, at the Rumble’s new home at ONCE Somerville (RIP, TT’s). Excellent choice slotting them first: their high energy will set the tone for the evening and get everyone in the right frame of mind. Put your punk rock party pants on – if indeed you own any other kind; I certainly don’t – and let’s get going.

Rock & Roll Rumble website / Facebook 
The Digs website / Facebook / Twitter