Review | Exitmusic and Phantogram at the Royale

Exitmusic – The Sea

Phantogram – Don’t Move

The house was packed early Saturday night as Exitmusic and Phantogram hit Boston with some bass-heavy sets at the Royale. Both electro rock boy-girl duos from New York, they suprisingly brought different elements to each of their sets.

Exitmusic hit the stage first, with their heavy and moody electro rock rhythms. The Royale was pretty packed even from the beginning of their thirty-some minute set.

Phantogram went on just after 8 p.m., and it was clear that everyone was really excited to hear them play. The last time I had the opportunity to catch them live was at Sasquatch in 2010, shortly after they released their debut album Eyelid Moves. But their set started late, and I ended up ditching their set for the mains stage. But Saturday night, with a packed house, new songs off their recently released EP Nightlife and with

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more than a few light pulses and various other effects, I was glad I passed up their day-time set a few years ago. This is how Phantogram should be seen live.

They played a really good mix of new and old songs. The single off their new EP, Don’t Move, got a good amount of cheers, but favorites like Mouthful of Diamonds,

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When I’m Small and Turn It Off drew the most applause and dancing.

And while it’s fun to hear bands tell stories and chat in between

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songs, Phantogram was pretty quiet. Sarah Barthel said her thanks a few times, but other than that, their set was so tight that they simply played right into the next song, and the audience kept dancing along with the beats. Sometimes it’s nice to just see bands do what they love, play music.

Tonight’s show in Burlington, VT is the last of Phantogram’s fall tour. I noticed earlier this week that Sarah and Josh stopped by Big Boi’s studio in Atlanta when they were in town, as evidenced by this instagram. Sounds like their next album is going to be amazing. Here’s to hoping it’s out soon!