Review | Cults at Brighton Music Hall


Boy-girl duo Cults left the mystery at home and brought the charm Sunday evening as they played to a slightly drunk, but very happy sold-out crowd at Brighton Music Hall. Cults played ten songs off their self-titled debut album that was released last week. The band’s main two members, Brian Oblivion and Madeline Follin were friendly and excited during the entire set. Follin, who was wearing the same white lace dress from the ‘Abducted’ artwork, and Oblivion seemed much more relaxed and confident this time around, compared to the show the band played at the same venue just two months ago.

Every song they played off their brand new album sounded just as good, if not better live. Songs like ‘Abducted’ and ‘You Know What I Mean’ that start out slow, but build up were especially great, and Follin swayed and stomped her feet all the way through. The entire crowd danced to the tunes in true vintage flair. And that perfectly sums up Cults’ sound: music to go along with a 60s beach party, but played to a room full of people who were not even alive in that decade.

The only downside was the lack of an encore. Well technically, they did play an encore. After ‘Go Outside’, which was unsurprisingly the crowd’s favorite, both Follin and Oblivion said that instead of going backstage and patting themselves on the backs, they’d just continue

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right now with the encore. “You want to hear another song?” shouted Follin? Uhm, YES, we said. They played one more song, ‘Oh My God’, and the show was over. But the lack of a proper encore is really just a sign of the awkward growing pains of a band who we’ve been listening to for over a year, but who can’t play any ‘new’ stuff because their debut album just came out last week.

Follin’s brother’s band Guards opened, and the crowd was really into their set as well. What is perhaps most interesting is how ‘great hair’ seems to run in this family of bands. Except for the guy who played xylophone/keyboards in Cults, and the keyboardist in Guards, every single one of the band members had long flowing glossy dark hair. As a friend tweeted during the show, this band has really great hair. It’s true, they do.

And the audience loved it all. At one point, one guy in the crowd yelled out “We fucking love you!” Yeah, you know what I mean.