Photos + Review | Aaron Lee Tasjan + Brian Wright @ Atwood's

Our friends at Atwood’s always seem to book amazing shows, we’ve caught so many great acts within those 4 walls, and last Tuesday night was another point of proof that awesome things are happening there. When I walked through the doors, the band was just fixing to get started on a few hours of great americana. Getting a taste of ALT with a band transformed his songs thanks to the rhythm section of bassist Keith Christopher and drummer Chris Marine. As a combined act, Aaron Lee Tasjan and Brian Wright delivered on each other’s music seamlessly over the course of two sets, including a quiet acoustic portion which dipped in Brian Wright’s Cafe Rooster Sessions, an especially wonderful set of subdued, more sparse set of tunes that will set your hair back.
With these players, and his straightforward lyrics ALT’s music seemed elevated, and had everyone in the moving and shaking. From his opener “The Trouble with Drinkin’,” to Petty-esque E.N.S.A.A.T to rockers like “Bitch Can’t Sing,” and “Sixty-Six Dollar Blues” the crowd, myself included were provided with one of the best shows of the year, and even in such a dark bar, we were all lit up with this special set of artists.
Check out our photos from Boston Concert Photography