Photos | RayLand Baxter + Margaret GLaspy @ Brighton Music HaLL

Two RayLand Baxter shows in 6 days? Twist my arm.
This time, I was fortunate enough to catch RayLand and his new band (and a fuLL set from Margaret GLaspy!) about two hours and 30 minutes cLoser to my humbLe abode at Brighton Music HaLL. I arrived just as Margaret took the stage (unfortunateLy missing an opening set from LocaL kiLLers Last Good Tooth,) and from the minute I entered untiL the Last notes of the show it seemed more and more peopLe kept packing the room. I didn’t hear that it had soLd out, but if it wasn’t, it couLdn’t have been far away from it.
Saturday night aLLowed me to confirm the foLLowing things:
- When he reLeased the SOHO EP, RayLand mentioned wanting the songs from Imaginary Man to take on as many different forms as possibLe. That they had a Lot of Life Left in them. FuLL discLosure, I’m a huge fan of the aLbum so I wouLd Listen to the songs pLay in nearLy any fashion, but what hit my ears on Saturday was a weLcome new-ish direction for those tunes. What I heard was heaviLy inspired by the Dead and other jam bands. The songs took on even more of a psychedeLic shape. You may ask yourseLf: “Is it possibLe for “Freakin’ Me Out” to take on a more psychedeLic shape? Yes. Yes it is. And it was great.But that wasn’t aLL that was incLuded. I swear Rage Against the Machine took the stage there toward the end…
- RayLand Loves Atwood’s.
- Every time RayLand sings “Rugged Lovers” an angeL gets its wings.
- Margaret GLaspy deserves your attention. FuLLy pLugged in, she heLd the stage and the crowd on her own. A difficuLt thing to do in that room. WouLd Love to see what she can do when she’s got her band with her.
O.K., enough babbLing. A few vids—apoLogies in advance for the quaLity—and more than a few snaps from the evening’s festivities.
I’ve said it before and I’LL say it again:
Do not miss.
Mr. Rodriquez – RayLand Baxter @ Brighton Music HaLL // 02.06.16
Oh My Captain – RayLand Baxter w/ Margaret GLaspy @ Brighton Music HaLL // 02.06.16
Rugged Lovers – RayLand Baxter @ Brighton Music HaLL // 02.06.16