New Music | Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math

Simple Math by Manchester Orchestra

Manchester Orchestra has been promoting their upcoming single for the last week, offering snippets of the new track ‘Simple Math’ each day based on a puzzle piece.  It had been exciting to know that beneath these pieces was the whole song, but frustrating to have to wait.  Now that all the pieces are available, they’ve made their single available to download for the cost of an email address.  Click here to sign up and download your copy.

Now that we’re finally able to hear the track, I can finally say how excited I am to hear it.  This is a very classy, smoothed over Manchester Orchestra, its a little more grown up, but as always expertly written and played.  The sound certainly gets to epic levels, and the addition of strings layered in the background are a great addition to their rock roots.  This is a grown up sound for them, and suits them well.

Simple Math, will be released May 10 via Columbia/Favorite Gentlemen.

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