New Music | Goodnight, Texas - A Bank Robber's Nursery Rhyme

Goodnight Texas (cr.-ChasingAnalog)

[N]ew music from our pals Goodnight, Texas, the cross-country collaboration from San Franciscan Avi Vinocur and Carolinan Patrick Dyer Wolf. “A Bank Robber’s Nusery Rhyme,” evokes that same turn of the century Americana they had focused on on A Long Life of Living, an album that we absolutely adored. And with more of that bucolic, rambling music at our fingertips, I’m super excited to hear more from these guys.

The album, Uncle John Farquhar, was conceptualized as a scrapbook, and inspired from personal experiences, stories and letters uncovered from archives buried in their own personal family history, including sermons and personal letters from Dyer Wolf’s great great grandfather John Farquhar for whom the album was named, and were adapted into songs.

Look for “A Bank Robber’s Nursery Rhyme,” to appear on their upcoming record Uncle John Farquhar, out August 5th.