New Music | DCDR - Cut My Teeth


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Boston’s grunge punks DCDR have just put a new album out (you might know them better under their previous name, Dead Cats Dead Rats, as whom they won a couple Boston Music Awards), which you may have missed while filling your face with turkey. This is understandable – eating your weight in stuffing is a totally reasonable Thanksgiving goal – but now Thanksgiving is over and it’s time to get back to business. The album is called Raw – that’s a risk, isn’t it, to name an album after an adjective that can be applied to it? Because there’s always the chance that it won’t live up to that name. But they’ve been hard at work making sure that it does. For proof: this song, “Cut My Teeth,” which ought to get your day off to a raucous start. And to get back to turkey for a second, if you do feel like you ate “too much” of it (as if that’s a thing), pogoing around your room to this song would be great exercise.

So there. Good morning, punk rock in your face. That’s how you ought to start the day, and for my money, that’s what you should do the rest of the day, too. You can accomplish that by getting yourself a copy of Raw and letting its 7 songs crash around your cranium all day long. And if you want to argue that it’s basically noon, bear in mind that I can’t hear you because I’m busy listening to this.

One thing, though. You know when you’re listening to something on Soundcloud, the page title is always “‘Name of Song’ in ‘Name of album or account or whatever'”? Well, when one of the song titles  on the album is “Big Trouble,” and you see “Big Trouble in…” and that’s not followed immediately by “Little China,” people get upset. Their next album had better have a song about the Pork Chop Express to make it up to us all.

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