New Music | Damien Jurado - Museum of Flight
This is the second single from Damien Jurado’s upcoming release Maraqopa. It’s an elegant sound, as the layers of sound sort of wash over your ears. The gentle basslines, tender strumming, and Jurado’s subtle shivered voice make this one of the more touching sounding tracks I’ve heard in a while.
Order (out 2/21): Maraqopa
04/13/12 San Francisco, CA: Bottom of the Hill w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/14/12 Los Angeles, CA: Bootleg Theater w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/15/12 San Diego, CA: Soda Bar w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/17/12 Denver, CO: Hi-Dive w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/18/12 Salt Lake City, UT: Velour w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/19/12 Boise, ID: Neurolux w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/21/12 Vancouver, BC: Biltmore Cabaret w/ Peter Wolf Crier
04/22/12 Portland, OR: Holocene w/ Peter Wolf Crier
05/16/12 Chicago, IL: Schubas w/ JBM
05/17/12 Pittsburgh, PA: Warhol Museum w/ JBM
05/18/12 Boston, MA: RADIO w/ JBM
05/19/12 New York, NY: Mercury Lounge w/ JBM
05/20/12 Philadelphia, PA: Johnny Brenda’s w/ JBM
05/21/12 Washington DC: Black Cat w/ JBM
05/22/12 Raleigh, NC: Baracade w/ JBM
05/23/12 Atlanta, GA: The Earl w/ JBM
05/25/12 Nashville, TN: The Basement w/ JBM
05/26/12 Bloomington, IN: Russian Recordings w/ JBM