New Music | Bat Manors - Cabin 4


The members of Provo, Utah’s Bat Manors are readying their debut album, Literally Weird, which will be released January 27th via Bleed101 Music. The band was formed by singer-songwriter/guitarist Adam Klopp (who also founded the now defunct band Timber!) and the current line-up includes Mike Dixon (guitar/steel), Katrina Ricks (vocals/percussion), Jacob Hall (percussion), Landon Young (bass/clarinet), Bret Meisenbach (drums), and Kyle Hooper (keys).

Together the members of the group create beautiful layers of sound and harmonies gorgeous enough to both break your heart and lovingly put it back together. The newly released single from the forthcoming album is titled “Cabin 4,” and it is really quite stunning. The track explores spirituality and the idea of higher powers that may exist but always seem just slightly out of reach. This is a theme that runs throughout the album and I am really looking forward to hearing more music from this talented band.