New Album | Those Poor Bastards - Vicious Losers

Lonesome Wyatt of Those Poor Bastards


It continues to be almost Halloween. Everyone seems in altogether too high of spirits for the time at hand, so I’m here to help you out with that. Friends – fiends – take a listen to Those Poor Bastards’ new album, Vicious Losers, and turn that smile upside down.

If you aren’t familiar with Those Poor Bastards, they make music that makes your horse go crazy, the music you hear on loop when you’re chained to a pipe in a basement, and Vicious Losers does not break from that tradition. Some people might want to tell you they hail from Wisconsin; in reality, they hail from the place your nightmares are set.

Lonesome Wyatt’s vocals can fool you into thinking there are several people singing in this band. Within the same song, even the same verse, he’ll run the gamut between creepy rasp and the pulpit yowls of a brimstone preacher. You’ll get an idea of this in the very first track off the album, “I Am Lost.”

Like a recurring nightmare, certain themes come up again and again on everything Those Poor Bastards do – fevered religious imagery (“Born to Rot”), loathing for the modern world in all of its materialism (“Big Trees”), and half-told stories that let your imagination fill in the lurid details (“Strange Dark Night”). Here now, hearken to “The Only Time,” above, and feel the pull between staying alive and living out that miserable life.

If crippling dread and portents of doom are your idea of a good time, you may purchase Vicious Losers straight from Tribulation Records here (and the rest of their back catalog, which I highly recommend for scaring trick-or-treaters away from your house). Marinate in it, sinners.