Live Photos + Review | The Hives @ Roadrunner Boston 9/25/24

Live Photos + Review | The Hives @ Roadrunner Boston 9/25/24

TICK TICK TICK BOOM – The Hives brought their iconic brand of rock and roll through Boston's own Roadrunner on September 25. Donned in the famous lighting bolt suits, the self proclaimed Best Band in the World completely thrilled the audience with hit after hit. It is tempting to refer to the set as "non-stop" however this wouldn't be the complete truth considering their long running bit known as "The Freeze". Here, mid song, the entire band seemingly turns to stone, unblinkingly still for one, two full minutes. The only movement on stage can be seen by eagle eyed viewers, catching sweat drip off the member's faces, the only sign that they are, in fact, not statues. Applause erupts throughout.

Singer "Howlin' Pelle" Almqvist held the audience close throughout the night with his quick wit, charm, and rockstar attitude.

The Hives are a tough act to compare to, with unrivaled energy and sound. Luckily, direct support Bad Nerves were up to the challenge.

Check out our photos of the show below!

The Hives

Bad Nerves