#HotTakes | Week of 06.11.2018

Songs that we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.
I’m Your Man // Spiritualized
Ava // Let’s Eat Grandma
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Monday, September 10th @ Great Scott
A Trick of the Light // Villagers
POP (Pacific Ocean Park) // Le Couleur
Simplify // Young The Giant
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Saturday, September 1st @ Rock The Roots Festival
Strange American Dream // RayLand Baxter
Good Love // Aly & AJ
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Thursday, June 28th @ Paradise Rock Club
Unwind With Me // Active Bird Community
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Saturday, October 6th @ Great Scott
Takin’ Your Word For It // Goodnight, Texas
Back Away (remix) // Brian Protheroe