#HotTakes | Week of 05.24.21

Songs that we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.
NBC // Hank May
Stone’s Throw // Elgin
Stand For Myself // Yola
Sodium & Cigarettes // Half Waif
Nuit // Yndi
favorite crime // Olivia Rodrigo
Shopping Center Sunsets // T. Hardy Morris
Middle of Love (Live from a Courthouse) // Jake Wesley Rogers
Never Alone Again // CIEL
For Blake // Havana Swim Club
City Watched Me Burn // Anne Freeman
Figuring Out // Seryn
Your Winter // Left Vessel
Strong Enough // Molly Tuttle (ft. Madison Cunningham)
Tough Enough // Kaley Rutledge
Little Black Flies // Eddie 9V