#HotTakes | Week of 03.07.22

#HotTakes | Week of 03.07.22

Songs that we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.

High Heels // Paul Cauthen

Kaleidoscope // Carli Brill

Goodbye Mr. Blue // Father John Misty

I Can’t Lie // Avi Kaplan

Know Your Demons // Tré Burt

Wild Child // The Black Keys

Creek Boy // PROF

Little Lies // The Dead Tongues

Coalinga // Band of Horses

That Man of Mine // Joyce Street

New Person, Old Place (New Feelings Version) // Madi Diaz (ft. Courtney Marie Andrews)

West Virginia // The Builders and the Butchers

With the Lights Down // Ocie Elliott

It Gets Dark // Sigrid

The Rain // Little Quirks

Yellow Dawn // Lydia Luce