#HotTakes | Week of 02.12.2018

Songs that we think you should hear without all the pomp and circumstance.
End of the Line // Julie Rhodes
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Friday, March 9 @ Great Scott
Cicada // La Luz
Don’t Move Back To LA // Okkervil River
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Saturday, June 16 @ Royale
Strangest Of Ways // Lucy Rose
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Tuesday, March 27 @ The Rockwell
The Louder I Call, The Faster It Runs // Wye Oak
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Sunday, May 13 @ The Sinclair
Nameless, Faceless // Courtney Barnett
Jean Is Gone // L.A. Salami
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Tuesday, April 3 @ The Red Room at Cafe 939
Fool For Waiting // Dan Mangan
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Monday, April 16 @ Royale
Game to Lose // I’m With Her
Upcoming Boston Area Show: Friday, March 16 @ Sanders Theatre – Harvard
Let The Wind In // Marty O’Reilly & The Old Soul Orchestra
Not Like It Was // Tall Heights