#50WordReview | Thank God for Science - Thank God for Science

This was originally supposed to be a #50WordReview, but there’s no way in hell that’s happening.
The Thoughts:
Even trying to sum up thoughts about this album took way more than 50 words. So here we are. Buckle in for a short—and likely incomplete—review of the debut (mostly instrumental) album from Thank God for Science.
What do you get when you combine seven of the Northeast’s top musicians and set them loose to do whatever the hell they want? Well… you get an album who’s songs are as varied as the artists in the room, with the only constants being expert craftsmanship (even in a free-form sense) and top-line musicianship.
This is no schtick. This is legit.
Let’s put it this way…
If you were walking in on someone listening to this album, you’d might think they were listening to Medeski Martin & Wood, Pink Floyd, Baz Luhrmann, Gorillaz, one of the jazz greats, or a hidden track on the Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack. And if you perceived any of those things, you’d be dead on. It all depends on the moment you tuned in.
Of course there are more influences that could be thrown into that paragraph, but you get the idea.
I could go on for days trying to explain what this album is and why you should listen, but I’m not sure I could ever really do it justice. Red Line Roots did as good a job as anyone could trying to sum it up, but quite honestly, this album is what you want it to be.
The Science:
I recently read an article about how music helps us get shit done.
What kind of music helps you be the best you can be? Well it appears to be music that’s “ambient” enough to not pull your thoughts away from the task at hand, but (and this I would think is especially true for creative endeavors) not so ambient that it puts you to sleep. You want that music to also be able to lead you and transform the thought or moment as it passes.
And THAT folks is exactly what this album can do. I’m telling you this from personal experience. No two tracks are the same, yet they seem to blend perfectly together as you go about whatever is occupying your mind. Taking you from an energy filled moment of victory to one that puts you in a field on a weekend enjoying the sun, to hanging out with Hunter Thompson in dirty biker bar in a matter of minutes. Maybe this is where I should have put that line about this album being what you want it to be.
Random thought: we should probably start a #CoolShitMadeWhileListeningToThankGodForScience hashtag.
The Summary:
To call this album inspiring would be a severe understatement. Even for a guy like me who mainly lives and breathes on the lyrical aspect of the songs that make up my day, these songs have proved a to be part of my daily habit. Get behind Thank God For Science and what they’re doing. And literally put TGfS behind what you’re doing.
Thank God For Science:
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